Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tchen makes... MOFFLES!

This is a new series of posts that I will be adding!!
Tchen makes.......


So what is a moffle?? It is a chewy, crunchy, slightly sweet, and super delicious waffle made out of MOCHI!!!! YES! Mochi- that chewy rice flour stuff that is super addictive when paired with ice cream!!

This recipe is extremely easy to make and can be done with 2 simple things: mochi and a waffle maker. You can technically buy a "moffle" maker online, but those are pricey and unnecessary!! I used a normal, cheap, non-stick waffle iron and got the same results.

Here is what you do:

1. Heat up your waffle machine to high settings!
2. If it is non-stick, you're ready to go. If not, just spray with Pam or lightly coat with oil/butter.
3. Take your mochi (I like to use the hard, prepackaged mochi blocks!!) and place it in the center of the waffle iron. Try to use 1cm or thicker blocks for best results!
4. Take it out after a min or two (peak under to see when the mochi has puffed up; if it looks dry, it's ready to go).
5. Season it with whatever you like! I like savory things so I use a bit of soy sauce! You can also add sesame powder, peanut powder, red bean paste, condensed milk, ice cream, cream, fruit, or the traditional waffle fixings (butter, syrup, jam).

Trust me, moffles are delicious and easy to make! They are perfect for my gluten free/dairy free/vegan friends out there!!!

Crunchy, crispy, delicious.

What could possibly be better?

Here is the first moffle I made!! This was the ugliest out of the bunch... but I was too impatient with the others to take pics. I wanted to eat them right off the iron! The hotter, the better.

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